Our Responsibility
Through the adoption of a responsible and proactive attitude to environmental issues, CDM is committed to minimising the potentially harmful effects and impact on our environment. CDM will meet and endeavour where possible to exceed legal, local and other requirements which we subscribe to in terms of environmental aspects.
CDM are committed to minimising potential harmful effects on the environment through sustainable development and the balancing of our business aims with environmental considerations.
Specifically, where it is within CDM’s organisational control CDM undertakes to:
- Minimise the environmental impact of our operations and reduce the effects of noise, dust, disturbance and inconvenience for our employees, customers and members of the general public.
- Develop management processes and operational procedures that prevent pollution.
- Make efficient use of energy resources, taking appropriate opportunities to reduce waste, promote recycling and the further use of recycled materials where possible.
- Encourage initiatives that enhance its environmental performance and promote citizenship and ownership to seek to be a good neighbour.
- Work with our supply chain to improve environmental performance.
- Where appropriate, consult with the local community on environmental issues.
- It is the responsibility of all persons working for CDM to support, apply and adhere to those sections of the organisation’s environmental policy and procedures that relate to their activities.
- Appropriate support and training will be given to staff to ensure they are able to fulfil the commitments within this environmental policy.
The Directors of CDM will publish and make available this environmental policy which will be subject to performance review and any required updates on an annual basis.
The Directors CDM.
Reference CDM/EP-0112